Dr Brom


Is Homeopathy Safe?

Yes, homeopathy is the safest form of medicine worldwide, and used by millions around the world, for centuries.

Fun Fact:

Did you know that according to the renowned Johns Hopkins: The third leading cause of death in the US (pre-Covid 19) is due to Medical Errors in Conventional Medicine.



And Post-Covid: “approximately 5%−8% of global deaths are attributed to ADRs [adverse drug reactions], accounting for half of all preventable harm in medical care and yielding an estimated annual cost of 42 billion United States dollars (USD) worldwide”, according to this article https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10354532/ and the World Health Organization: https://www.who.int/news/item/16-09-2022-who-calls-for-urgent-action-by-countries-for-achieving-medication-without-harm

Homeopathy is the form of medicine least likely to harm or cause significant adverse drug reactions, especially when prescribed responsibly by a well-trained, qualified homeopath.

Is Homeopathy Medically Recognized?

Due to the incredible results it has garnered it is gaining worldwide acceptance and is included in the national health systems of a various countries, including Switzerland, India, Brazil, Chile, India, Mexico. In South Africa it is highly regulated with homeopaths studying for 6 years to be able to practice. All good medical aids also provide reimbursements for homeopathic consults, tests and treatments.

Is Homeopathy Safe to use with Conventional Medicines?

Yes, they can work together very well for integrated and mutually supportive treatment and results. Homeopathy can even be prescribed by a qualified Homeopath to help reduce side effects from conventional medicines and cancer treatments.

However, one must be careful of how you are combining homeopathy and conventional medicines. If you are taking suppressive conventional treatments, and homeopathy is being used to treat the root cause and eradicate the e.g. infection from the body, then these can have counteracting interactions. And you might not experience true healing. Or e.g. when cortisone is used to suppress inflammation and thereby suppressing the immune system, when choosing (even supplements) to boost the immune system, then these can have counteracting reactions. Therefore, it is very important that you consult with an highly qualified homeopath.

Does Homeopathy work?

Everyone knows it works, from celebrities e.g. Paul McCartney (from the Beatles) to supermodels e.g. Cindy Crawford, to renowned authors e.g. Mark Twain, to even Gandhi, everyone has heard of how homeopathy has helped, even saved someone.

Therefore, the question to ask is: does it work only by placebo effect or:

Does Homeopathy only work if you ‘believe’ in it?

The fact that homeopathy has been used on new born babies, animals and even plants with incredible results, and healed so many, would negate that common misperception. There is also growing scientific research and evidence that proves homeopathy works beyond placebo effect – see “Free Information & Resources & Research” webpage. And to show up this false belief about homeopathy, I conceptualized and created a series of talks on Medtalkz (a platform for conventional doctors). The first webinar in the series was on “Are Homeopathic Outcomes Due to the Placebo Effect?”. You can view it here: https://www.medtalkz.com/cgi-bin/medtalkz/search.pl?latest:1359 . This has become so popular and informative that it has been lengthened and incorporated a separate track on the Medtalkz medical platform, to facilitate greater knowledge and understanding amongst conventional doctors on homeopathy and how and when they can refer and work together with homeopaths for integrative and holistic medicine, ultimately with the intention of improving patient outcomes.

Is Homeopathy the same as Herbal Medicine?

No, they are different. Herbal Medicines can have differing amounts of active substances in them and can have a chemical binding physiological effect on the body and potentially a much higher chance of side effects. In a sense Herbal Medicines are similar to the derivatives of drugs. With conventional medicines and drugs specific amounts and pharmacokinetics of the active substances and effects are measured and standardized. Whereas depending on the source of the herbal medicine, and amounts of bio-active substances in the plant, this may vary.

Homeopathy has the lowest risk of side-effects and does not necessarily incorporate allosteric binding mechanisms and models to enact its effects.

What Conditions Can Homeopathy Treat?

Homeopathy can treat just about any condition or disease, e.g. endocrine, neuromuscular, auto-immune, post-op recuperation to injuries and bipolar disorder, emotional dysregulation. However, because it is a more personalized and individualized and holistic (taking the whole person and their circumstances into account) form of medicine, if you are looking to just ‘pop a pill’ regularly and suppress symptoms, then it is not for you. Whilst homeopathy can work incredibly quickly (I have seen it work dramatically in seconds), it is not a ‘quick fix’ mentality. It goes far beyond that, with the aim of treating the root cause.

For example: whilst there is nothing wrong with taking a headache pill for the pain of a headache (and thank goodness for them), the aim with homeopathic philosophy, would be to stop having headaches, by removing what is causing them.

Another example is taking antibiotics frequently, yet getting sick more often. Why do you think that happens?

Remember, we are working together as partners in your health, not merely throwing pills at a disease.

Also, if you have a medical emergency, please go to the hospital immediately. Only consult with an homeopath once you or the patient are in a stable condition released by the hospital/doctor/clinician/practitioner.

If you are willing to work together homeopathy can potentially achieve incredible results.

This writing is the work of Dr L Brom and contains her ideas and concepts and is not to be used in any capacity without her expressed written permission and not to be plagiarized.